Life can get pretty hectic, can’t it? Between endless emails, back-to-back meetings, and the constant buzz of social media, it’s easy to feel a bit frazzled. Sometimes, you just need a break—a real one. That’s where nature steps in, offering a serene escape from the chaos. And what better way to unplug than by diving into wild swimming, wild camping, and a little something called forest bathing?

Why Wild Swimming is Totally Awesome

Wild swimming is all about hitting up those natural spots—rivers, lakes, and seas—and taking a dip. It’s not just a workout; it’s an experience.

  1. Get Fit the Fun Way: Swimming is an awesome way to stay in shape. It’s a full-body workout that’s easy on the joints. Plus, the natural water makes it feel like you’re just playing around, not exercising.
  2. Clear Your Head: There’s something incredibly soothing about being in water. The mix of physical activity and nature’s calming vibes can help you de-stress and clear your mind.
  3. Boost Your Immune System: Cold water swimming can give your immune system a real kick. It gets your blood pumping and might even help you fend off colds and other bugs.
  4. Feel Happier: Swimming releases endorphins, those feel-good chemicals in your brain. Add the refreshing cold water, and you’ve got a recipe for an instant mood boost.

Some of our favourite local spots in the Bristol area for Wild Swimming are; Warleigh Weir, Farleigh Hungerford in Frome, Woodchester Lakes in Gloucestershire, and the River Avon in Saltford!

Looking for more inspiration? Head to Wild Swimming page and explore areas near you! You can also buy their beautiful books, perfect to keep in the car for a spontaneous swim adventure!

Wild Swimming Relax and Be

The Joy of Wild Camping

Wild camping means finding your own spot in nature to set up camp—away from crowded campsites and close to pure, unspoiled wilderness.

  1. Get Back to Basics: Wild camping brings you closer to nature. Waking up to birds chirping, feeling the earth under your feet, and stargazing at night—it’s like a nature detox.
  2. Live in the Moment: Without the distractions of screens and notifications, you can really be present. Whether it’s gathering firewood, cooking over a campfire, or just chilling by your tent, it’s all about enjoying the now.
  3. Build Resilience: Wild camping can be a bit of an adventure. It tests your problem-solving skills and helps you become more adaptable. Plus, there’s nothing like the confidence boost of knowing you can handle whatever nature throws your way.
  4. Physical and Mental Detox: Hiking to your campsite, setting up your tent, exploring the area—it’s all great exercise. And the fresh air, sunshine, and nature’s rhythms are perfect for a mental reset.

Here are some nearby camping spots, that are ‘almost wild’ that we would recommend!

Wild Camping UK Relax and Be

The Calming Practice of Forest Bathing

Forest bathing, or “Shinrin-yoku,” is a Japanese practice that involves immersing yourself in the atmosphere of the forest. It’s not about hiking or exercising; it’s about being present and soaking in the sights, sounds, and smells of the woods.

  1. Deep Relaxation: Simply being among the trees can reduce stress and anxiety. The serene environment helps lower cortisol levels and promotes a state of calm.
  2. Improved Mood and Focus: Forest bathing can enhance your mood and improve focus. The natural surroundings help clear mental clutter, making it easier to concentrate and feel happier.
  3. Boosted Immune Function: The phytoncides (natural oils) released by trees have been shown to boost the immune system. Breathing in these compounds can increase the activity of natural killer cells, which help fight off illness.
  4. Enhanced Connection to Nature: Spending quiet time in the forest fosters a deeper connection to the natural world. It encourages mindfulness and a greater appreciation for the environment.

Some of our favourite local places to immerse yourself in the beauty of the woods are; Leigh Woods, Narroways St Werbughs, Abbots Pool and Woodland, Eastville Park and Lake (even better if you follow the River Frome walk and venture into the woodland!)

Forrest Bathing Shinrin-yoku Relax and Be

The Ultimate Combo: Wild Swimming, Camping, and Forest Bathing

When you mix wild swimming, wild camping, and forest bathing, you get the best of everything nature has to offer. Imagine hiking to a secluded lake, setting up camp, taking a refreshing swim, and then wandering into the forest for a calming session of forest bathing. It’s the perfect way to chill out and recharge.

Wrapping Up

Getting out into nature with wild swimming, camping, and forest bathing is an incredible way to reset and find some peace in your busy life. It’s a chance to reconnect with yourself and the world around you. So next time you need a break, why not grab your swimsuit, pack your tent, and head for the wild? Nature’s waiting to show you just how relaxing and rejuvenating it can be.